기본 사용법 §
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Base {
virtual auto PrintName() -> void { cout << "Base" << endl; }
class Derived_A : public Base {
auto PrintName() -> void override { cout << "Derived_A" << endl; }
int main() {
// Upcast
Base* upcasted = new Derived_A();
// This prints "Derived_A" as the obj actually is `Derived_A` type
// Downcast
// usage #1: pointer type
Derived_A* downcasted = dynamic_cast<Derived_A*>(upcasted);
// usage #2: reference type
Derived_A& downcasted_ref = dynamic_cast<Derived_A&>(*upcasted);
delete upcasted;
잘못된 사용법 (에러 혹은 nullptr
) §
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Base {
virtual auto PrintName() -> void { cout << "Base" << endl; }
class Derived_A : public Base {
auto PrintName() -> void override { cout << "Derived_A" << endl; }
class Derived_B : public Base {
auto PrintName() -> void override { cout << "Derived_B" << endl; }
int main() {
Base* base = new Base();
Derived_B* derived_b = new Derived_B();
// This returns `nullptr`
Derived_A* derived_a_ptr;
derived_a_ptr = dynamic_cast<Derived_A*>(base);
derived_a_ptr = dynamic_cast<Derived_A*>(derived_b);
// This can be used to detect class
if (dynamic_cast<Derived_B*>(derived_a_ptr) == nullptr) {
// Do something...
// This throws error
Derived_A& derived_a_ref = dynamic_cast<Derived_A&>(*base);
delete base;
delete derived_b;
번외 §
- 사용하지 말라고 한다. 이걸 사용해야하는 것 자체가 class 구조를 잘못 짠거라고 한다 (출처)
- 근데 이걸 안쓰는게 말이 되나?